• Directions From Nearest Airport: Norwich/Stansted The postcode is IP13 9DY

    Driving time is approximately 1 hour from Norwich Airport.

    Driving time is approximately 1 hour 10 minutes from Stansted Airport

  • Directions From Nearest Train Station: Wickham Market (branch line), 7 miles Mainline stations at Ipswich are 30 minutes and Stowmarket 35 minutes away.

  • Directions From Nearest City: Any city The postcode is IP13 9DY
    Framlingham is about 6 miles from the A12 running north from Ipswich. Approximate driving times are:

    From M25/M11 junction - around 1 hour 30 minutes
    From M25/A12 junction - around 1 hour 20 minutes

